



表題どおり恒例の2月多読レビューです。 お品書き Billionaire Boy(先月) Among the Impostors All I Want The Culture Map Holes (再読) The Sugar Glinder いつもどおり軽度のネタバレ注意です。


表題の通りオンライン学習サイトCourseraで音読を始めてみました。 Couseraは以前LearningHowToLearnでお世話になっており、久しぶりに再開してみたところ これ思ったより音読にいいんじゃないか? と思った次第です。 以下良さそうな部分の紹介です

Customize switch/when of Swift/Kotlin

Swift and Kotlin, which are mainly used for Mobile Application, have more powerful functions than their based languages - Java and Objective-C, and the two langauges have similar functions. I think that many people using those language lov…

What happens since I bought a Folding Bike

(※単なる英語練習です) Introduction Bicycle is becoming more and more important for saving the Earth environment, and many people started it for their health. For 15 years I like bicycle and ride it, especially Road bike, which is fast and …