

Deep learning tutorial

Recently, I began to learn 'Deep Learning'. (That's why I started to study English!)

But I think the tutorial in Tensorflow Official page is not friendly.

They use MNIST, very popular example for machine learning. However, when I was doing this tutorial I was not able to understand what type of data I need to create for input and output.

They use files that is packaged in the framework. It prevented me from understanding data structure. I couldn't make my own network and data after this tutorial. (I suppose this might happen in all beginners)

So I decided to write an article about how to create simple neural network in this article. I'm only a beginner, but writing this article will be a very good learning for me.

It's also a great challege for me to write this in English!!!




再開の理由の一つに、自分の発音がだんだん気になってきた というのも大きいです。
